Monday, March 27, 2006

Waterwheel in Lijiang

Bill and gondola Girls

Locals on Snow Mountain

Girl in local Dress

Girl in local Costume

Old Man on Flute

Flute man

Snow Mountain Peak, Lijiang

Yak on Snow Mountain

Pair of Yaks

Cowgirl on Yak

Naxi Dance Group, Lijiang

Outside Lijiang

Smiling Buddha

Baby on Back

..where are we going?

Local Road Construction

Three Pegodas, Dali

The Pegodas, Dali

Temple site, Dali

Temple Altar

Temple at Three Pegodas

Temple Detail

Girl and Pegoda

Girl and Pegoda

Trees at Lake, Dali

Relief on the Way, Dali-Kunming

End of the Tunnel, Dali-Kunming

One more for the Road